What is the duty rate on product X?
If you would like the duty rate on a commodity, we need a specific description of the product that includes the following:
We will then do our best to classify the merchandise for you. To learn more about the classification of merchandise go to our import page. .
How soon can I get my Merchandise?
Cambell & Gardiner is able to get your merchandise released prior to its arrival in the states. The sooner we recieve your paperwork, the sooner we can get the shipment cleared and avoid costly demurrage charges. To be safe it is best that we have atleast two business days notice prior to arrival, in the event that Customs wishes to see the documents and or examine the shipment. It is also recommended that you list your broker as the notify party on the bill of lading. This way the carrier will contact us upon arrival.
I received a Courtesy notice of Liquidation from Customs, what must I do with it?
The liquidation notice, is sent out to notify you (the importer) that Customs has reviewed your entry summary and supporting documents, and they have made a decision about the accuracy of the entry. Click here to learn more about liquidations.
If you have any questions about importing or exporting, please send it to us in the attached email form. You will recieve a response promptly. FAQ Mail